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Machida S., Shimomura R., Nakamura K., Kogiso T., and Kato Y. (2021) Intermittent beginning to the formation of hydrogenous ferromanganese nodules in the vast field: Insights from multi-element chemostratigraphy using microfocus X-ray fluorescence. Minerals, 11, 1246, doi:10.3390/min11111246 プレスリリース[千葉工大, 京都大]
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Akizawa N., Kogiso T., Miyake A., Tsuchiyama A., Igami Y., and Uesugi M. (2020) Formation process of sub-micrometer-sized metasomatic platinum-group element-bearing sulfide in Tahitian harzburgite xenolith. The Canadian Mineralogist, 58, 99-114, doi:10.3749/canmin.1800082
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